Sun, 9/05/10 – 15:56 | No Comment

iQuit Stop Smoking Counter measures smoking cessation and the length of time the person has stopped smoking, money you saved and extra live gained!. What happens with your body if you quit smoking?
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Study suggests Quitting smoking might signal not-yet-diagnosed lung cancer
Mon, 14/03/11 – 13:16 | No Comment

A provocative though small study suggests that the very act of quitting smoking may be a symptom of not-yet-diagnosed lung cancer.

That’s the curious conclusion 7Slots casino güncel giriş that researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia reached after they surveyed 115 lung cancer patients, all of them current or former smokers, at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center. The team, led by Barbara Campling, asked when the patients had stopped smoking relative to their diagnosis and onset of symptoms and how difficult or easy it had been to quit. The researchers also used a standard tool called the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence to calculate how deeply addicted the smokers had been to nicotine at the peak of their habit.

The researchers, whose work appears in the March issue of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, undertook the study on a hunch: They had observed that many of their lung-cancer patients had quit smoking before they were diagnosed, often without consciously deciding to do so. The scientists were aware of the common belief that people typically quit smoking in response to the appearance of symptoms suggestive of lung cancer. But they weren’t convinced that was really how things work.

Their study appears to bear out their hunch. They learned that 55 of the 115 patients had quit smoking before being diagnosed, all but six of them before any cancer symptoms appeared. Of those who quit, 31 percent reported they’d done so with ease – but not because they had never been addicted: Their levels of addiction when they were smoking the most had been the same as the levels of those who hadn’t quit.

The authors suggest that the presence of a lung-cancer tumor may somehow block the body’s uptake of, or desire for, nicotine; perhaps, they surmise, such tumors may secrete a chemical that makes that happen.

They acknowledge that their work has limitations, among them the small sample size and the fact that the data were self-reported and after the fact. Still, they believe they’re on to something that should be investigated further.

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Quit smoking will make you save your skin
Mon, 21/02/11 – 15:59 | No Comment

Good news is that if you do give up, the skin will start to repair itself. The bad news for those who can’t or won’t give up (such as devoted smoker Kate Moss) is that …

Quit Smoking Video Lesson 1: Starting day one of your quit
Mon, 21/02/11 – 15:13 | No Comment

Quit Smoking Lesson 1:

Anti-Smoke Glow Globe lights up when detecting cigarette smoke
Tue, 14/12/10 – 18:14 | No Comment

The Glow Globe by Serbian designer Nebojsa Glavonic. Designed to detect cigarette smoke, the Glow Globe is an anti-smoking device that uses LED lights, which glow in different patterns and color combinations, to indicate the …

Top 5 Electronic Cigarettes to stop smoking
Fri, 25/06/10 – 14:16 | 4 Comments

1. Blu E-Cigarette
The Blu Cigs come in a package that looks exactly like a cigarette package — which is great for portability and not looking like a dork. The package even charges up the battery …

Doctors tell Barack Obama to quit smoking
Mon, 17/05/10 – 12:53 | No Comment

The American president has been trying to kick the habit for some time, apart from the smoking he is in excellent health.
Barack Obama is still struggling to kick smoking, according to his first medical examination …

Gene Makes Quitting Smoking Easier
Thu, 13/05/10 – 20:02 | No Comment

Researchers from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, have discovered a genetic variant that makes the wearer easier to quit smoking. They also found a gene that makes someone more likely to start …

The Submarine Service Smoker’s Dilemma: to Quit or Nic?
Thu, 13/05/10 – 18:54 | No Comment

A message to smoking submariners: if you want to both quit smoking and end all nicotine use then the time for action is now.
As all smoking sub sailors are by now aware, per order and policy …

Anti-smoking Ad: Smoking Causes Emphysema, Lung Cancer
Sun, 9/05/10 – 20:11 | No Comment

This 3D medical animation is part of an anti-smoking campaign ad, showing how smoking causes normal alveolar sacs to become enlarged and thinned over time from emphysema. Because the alveoli cannot contract, air is trapped …

Video: What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
Sun, 9/05/10 – 20:03 | No Comment

Nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes and it is the reason people experience withdrawal when trying to quit smoking. Learn more about how nicotine affects the body.

5 Quick Stop Smoking Tips
Fri, 17/10/08 – 14:46 | One Comment

Are you one of most smokers who want to quit? Then try following this advice.
1. Don’t smoke any number or any kind of cigarette. Smoking even a few cigarettes a day can hurt your …